Ash Rune Set

A unique collection of Nordic runes elder Futhark. Runes are made of Ash. Ash, on giving, this is the Tree of Life "Yggdrasil". The tree on which the god Odin learned the runes to convey the value of their people.

Buy Ash Rune Set
Price $79.00
Size: 25 runes, 30 mm
Material: wood

Making the Scandinavian runes was not chosen by chance. The form was discovered during extracorporeal travel wizard. Form means the relationship of upper and lower worlds. Communication is much more complicated and it is impossible to convey words, it is known only at the level of personal experience. But returning to the body in the world of forms, the master found that this form can be most accurately express this relationship. This is how the runic form for the set.

Two triskele, twisted into spirals, one clockwise, the other - anti-clockwise. They represent two kinds of primordial energy, light and darkness, sun and moon, heat and cold, male and female.

The form of the runes and the triskele increases on top of their action. Lively runes resonate with the space and used as a set for divination, as well as individually. Runes can be used immediately, but it is possible to paint it, because cutting of the runes can be filled with natural red paint, sometimes, to enhance communication with the owner of the runes, the runes were stained with blood.

The set consists of 25 runes. Of these, 24 Scandinavian runes elder Futhark and one blank rune, it is used in some types of divination. The size of each Rune: height 30mm, width: 12mm, thickness: 4 mm. The set turned out quite compact and it can take a trip, even without a backpack or travel bag. Despite the compactness of the Runes of sufficient size to work with them, guess or conjure.

Rune set to activate. The ritual is simple: to turn to put every rune on the left hand so that the symbol was pointing up and the right hand folded into a tube (a fist, but not compressed), bring it to the left hand and firmly pressed to the rune, after three highly exhale through palm of his right hand.

Before you exhale, you need to concentrate on the name of the runes, which lies in the palm of his left hand in and out to give her a piece of his energy.

Once activated, between you and the runes will establish a connection with them for good to work.

Amulet Runic Circle has been specially created to enhance the impact, both in divination and spell for Rune.