Helm of Awe with four Algiz (Galdrastafir Aegishjalmur, Silver)

Galdrastafir, Aegishjalmur - сross symbol, the essence - four runes Algiz combined into a powerful protective sign. As you know, Algiz rune symbolizes the Tree of Life, and has a mild protective effect, like a tree that protects the traveler from the sun. Four rune Algiz reinforce each other and protect the owner from all four sides.
Helm of Awe is used as a protective amulet for protection from the evil intentions, evil spirits and evil eye.
This symbol was very common in medieval Europe, them were decorated with stone buildings, wood products and utensils in the temples.
Buy Helm of Awe with four Algiz (Galdrastafir Aegishjalmur, Silver)
Price $120.00
Size:  23 mm
Material: silver
Price $150.00
Size:  30 mm
Material: silver